The value of saffron
There are always some counterfeit for expensive and valuable products like saffron, which make consumers mistaken and cost a lot and don’t get them product with good quality.
It’s interesting to know that saffron is one of the plants that because of its high price, unfortunately sometimes cheating on it.
Coloring, make it heavy, mixing with corn stigma and adding oil is one of the most common of counterfeit saffron production.
One of the ways to counterfeit saffron is to smear the stigma of it with fat, sugar, salt or honey and increase its weight. Even it has been seen that brick soil have been sold to customers sometimes instead of saffron. One of the most important frauds of saffron is safflower.
Safflower is similar to saffron in appearance, but it is different from odor and property.
Safflower can produce a color similar to saffron, for this reason in many places like United States they use it instead of saffron.
The most dangerous method of fraud in saffron is the use of artificial color. If artificial colors are used in saffron it can be detected in the lab.
The use of colors cause cancer in the body and also the addition of salt to this materials can increase cardiovascular disease and contaminations that it infects people with diarrhea.
In these compounds, salt, cystic acid and unauthorized colors are also used.
So it’s not recommended for people to use it at all. Particularly illnesses that can be transmitted from food with unauthorized additions are diarrhea, cholera, poisoning and cancer that cause by consumption of these foods made by colors.
The color and aroma of saffron One of the way to determine the quality of the good and pure saffron is color and aroma.
The color of good saffron is orange or carroty in addition, saffron has a very pleasant aroma, the more aroma that saffron has better quality it has.
Saffron flavor
The taste and color of saffron depends on the type of saffron.
The more concentrated the saffron is in the food, the yellowish-yellow-golden or reddish-yellow become more and if it is more watery these colors become less.
If saffron is fresh and away from heat, sunshine and moisture in closed glass containers are kept in good condition and ecologically suitable for cultivation in weather conditions, the taste and aroma will be better.
The way to detect original saffron
How to identify fake saffron and original saffron? we explain some way to detect that.
The original saffron has a low pigmentation rate.
Saffron with high quality has a lower rate of pigmentation than fake saffron.Some profiteer color the yellow part of the saffron string, which has low price and combine with red saffron string. These colored parts also pigmentation fast.
Detection of fake saffron with paper or newspaper
put a little saffron between the paper and newspaper and press it.
If you saw oil and fact particles in the saffron pressure it means that saffron is counterfeit, but of the saffron is powdered and not fat, it shows the saffron is healthy and pure.
Detect good saffron with boiling water
If you put some saffron in boiling water, wait up to 5 minutes and see that color of the branches not white indicating its originality, this means that color and taste of saffron is considered as a fixed identifier.
If you taste a little branches of saffron you will find that it is a bit bitter but has a pleasant smell.
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Date Insert :2/6/2020